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The power of storytelling

The power of storytelling

The more I read about how to improve one’s writing, the more I come back around to storytelling. It’s the heart and soul. Stories are everyone, just stop and think about it for a minute. When you get together with family friends, for instance, what... read more
Write what you want

Write what you want

As I’ve said before, we’re all writers to some degree or another. We write emails, we fill out applications or forms asking various questions, we review stuff on Yelp or Amazon. Many more spend hours at work crafting documents related to whatever business... read more
One word in front of the other

One word in front of the other

What are you writing about? Whether it’s a short story or business document, what is it that you’re trying to communicate? What is your point? What is your story? In some ways these should be easy questions to answer. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always... read more
Is every word necessary?

Is every word necessary?

When the writing process is just beginning, writers should write freely. That means setting judgements aside, opening your mind, and allowing ideas and words to flow uninterrupted. If you start to edit your copy or change too many words at this stage, the writing... read more
How to get started

How to get started

So you want to improve your writing skills. That’s great! Setting that as a goal is a good thing. But now…where to start? How to start? What is the road ahead? Let’s start by…starting. By writing. Anything, whatever comes to mind. Open the... read more
Where have all the English majors gone?

Where have all the English majors gone?

I read a piece in the New York TimesĀ earlier this summer about English majors. Titled “The Decline and Fall of the English Major,” it was written by a nonfiction writing teacher who pointed out that the number of English majors has drastically declined in... read more